A   P A T H W A Y   T O   A   S K I L L E D   A N D   S U S T A I N A B L E   W O R K F O R C E 

Our Leadership



A Message from Our Executive Director

There is a reason why RochesterWorks is known as one of the most effective and innovative workforce development organizations in New York State. We are relentless in our mission to ensure that all residents of Monroe County have equitable access to career pathways, and in doing so, ensure that our area’s workforce meets the demands of its economy. Within our organization, we have, collectively, several hundred years of experience in connecting our residents with economic opportunity. As Monroe County’s largest provider of workforce and career readiness services, RochesterWorks is proud of its past, but always has its eye on the future.

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100 College Avenue, Suite 200 | Rochester, New York 14607

585-258-3500  |  English TTY 800-662-1220  |  Español TTY 877-662-4886