A   P A T H W A Y   T O   A   S K I L L E D   A N D   S U S T A I N A B L E   W O R K F O R C E 
Job Application Assistance
Monday, June 05, 2023, 01:00pm - 03:00pm
This repeat is an exception to the normal repeat pattern
Hits : 1061

Rochester Works has partnered with the Central Library to provide assistance and Resources for any potential Job Seekers

Registration to Sign Up: https://calendar.libraryweb.org/event/10729488

Location: Central  Library – 115 South Ave in the Tech Center Classroom

Location Central Library
115 South Ave


       White Logo

100 College Avenue, Suite 200 | Rochester, New York 14607

585-258-3500  |  English TTY 800-662-1220  |  Español TTY 877-662-4886