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Whole Foods Market Hiring Event
Wednesday, May 03, 2023, 02:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 321

5 3 Whole Foods Market Hiring Event


Whole Foods Market Hiring Event

We would like to invite you to come meet with us!

When: Tuesday, May 3, 2023 from 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Where: 2740 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY, 14618


The following positions are available:

  • Prepared Foods Team Members
  • Cooks
  • Produce Team Members

*Must be 18 years of age or older to apply/interview


Please make sure to apply before attending our hiring event here:

Thank you for your interest in our new store Rochester, NY - Now Open

We hope to see you soon!


CLICK HERE to view job opportunities and apply today!

CLICK HERE to view event flyer.

Location Whole Foods Market
2740 Monroe Avenue


       White Logo

100 College Avenue, Suite 200 | Rochester, New York 14607

585-258-3500  |  English TTY 800-662-1220  |  Español TTY 877-662-4886