A   P A T H W A Y   T O   A   S K I L L E D   A N D   S U S T A I N A B L E   W O R K F O R C E 
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"Right" Your Resume(At 100 College Ave)
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 01:00pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 316

“Right” Your Resume (2 hrs.)  Learn when and why to use a Chronological, or Functional resume.  This workshop will put emphasis on the Summary of Qualifications, accomplishments, proper format, and identifying transferable skills.

Location RochesterWorks Career Center
100 College Ave
New York
(At 100 College Ave)


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100 College Avenue, Suite 200 | Rochester, New York 14607

585-258-3500  |  English TTY 800-662-1220  |  Español TTY 877-662-4886